Advanced Reports Software

to make informed decision

Generate helpdesk reports with enhanced customer service insights that accurately depicts all of your customer service data in real-time, anytime.

Advanced Reports Software

Collect Insights to Improve Customer Experience with Advanced Reports

Generate helpdesk reports in just a few clicks to get an overall view of your customer service insights to determine how your support team is performing.

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Visualize high level data on dashboard to get all of the details you need at a glance. Evaluate the performance, view statistics and identify trends of your helpdesk projects all in one place with reports that can provide key insight into your customer service.

download reports

Download Reports

Download your team's results and track them simply. In the aggregate, compare performance rates.

track kpis

Track KPIs

Grow your business by tracking key performance indicators (kpi) to see how your company is doing over time,provide you with the right information to move forward.

filtering by metrics

Filtering by Metrics

Choose filtering options to select the exact metrics and ranges you need. Visually display data in a way that makes sense to you and your team.

What is Advanced Report Software?

Advanced report software complete overview of everything going on in the customer support team, including relevant performance measurements such as the ticket volume, number of tickets resolved and the average time to resolve a ticket. You can track all of these metrics at any given time and look back at them in order to truly get a comprehensive an understandable understanding of what is happening in your customer service department overall, without any need for complicated spreadsheets or cumbersome number crunching, etc.

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